Sunday, 29 April 2012

SHU Symbol

Here is the Concept Design of the SHU Symbol made by Ollie. This will be then later made into a Rotating 3D Object.

Original Concept

The Original Concept consisted of having an actual mascot portray the SHUper nature of our idea. SHUperman was the first concept of mascot role. He would essentially go around the university aiding in the ways Hallam would like to present itself: Creative, Confident, Challenging & Collaborative. However, a point was brought up that if we were to only have SHUperman as just a male, there would be some complications (apparently). So with this, the idea was scraped and we continued on with the idea of having everyday people be superheroes to show how ordinary people (both men and women) can become SHUper. It also meant we didn't need to spend money on a Morphsuit