Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Visual Effects Part 1

For the details on the board, I made this these in Photoshop and the spinning sphere was an image of yellow lines going over each other. The sphere was created in After Effects by wrapping the yellow lines in a ball and the rotating it. Both the details and sphere had a glow effect added on to it.

In the second shot that I used the board symbols, I had to create a mask around Ryan so it appeared as if the symbols were actually in front of Ryan and on the board as well. The mask was created on the same layer as the board symbols. However, it took a while to complete due to Ryan’s movement so the mask had to be morphed frame by frame.

Just to bring it up. A lot of the visual elements were created in Photoshop, such as the ‘impact’ from the high five in the “maths” scene and “SLAP!!” parts of the project. They we’re heavily influenced by Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

For the maths visual effects, numbers and maths symbols were created using 3DSMax, they were the rotated, exported rotated and used in After Effects the same way as the SHUper symbol. A glow effect was added in After Effects with the addition of a 4 colour gradient as a mask for the whole clip. Another 4 colour gradient was added on top as well with the addition of another effect called “Star burst” to turn it into floating particles.

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